Outsmart the Algorithm and Find Your Next Binge Worthy Podcast
Nov. 22, 2021

First Episode about to Drop

Hey there fellow travelers in the podcast universe, we are about to drop the first full episode of Find A Podcast About. I am so excited to get this knocked out for you and I can't wait for the feedback that I am sure you will provide. 

I do need to thank a few people with helping me get this off the ground and ready for consumption. First I would like to thank Dave Jackson. I had a talk with him a little over a month ago and we discussed what this project would look like and to get his blessing on it. He advised me to track the amount of time an episode costs me out of my personal life and let me tell you, these do take some time to knock out. Its not just researching, ut it is truly listening to each episode I am reviewing with you in mind. So thank you Dave for all you do, there I owe you another $100. 

I also want to thank York Campbell of Poetic Earthlings. I have been working with him for the past year on his projects and on this project. His advice and willingness to see this project succeed makes me feel that it is a worthwhile cause. Also York is my first financial supporter so I am forever in his debt. 

I'd like to thank Kyle Bondo of Gagglepod. About 5 years ago I attended a local meetup that he was hosting and I never left. He has been my mentor throughout this podcast journey since 2016. I could not have done it without him. 


Lastly my family. My loving wife who lets me hang out and record strange things and talk about podcasting until she can't stand it anymore. she has been my number one supporter since day one and has believed in me even when I didn't believe in myself. Thank you dear, you are my moon and stars. 


December 1, 2021 is when the first  episode drops. I'd like to hear what you think and get your input in order to make this project more about you and your needs versus me and my needs. I am happy to be your fellow traveler and I am ready to help you outsmart the algorithm and find your next binge worthy podcast.